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Acting Reviews
Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead (2017)

"It's an impossible task to single out any one cast member for their performance, as every one of them shines - witty, timely, and utterly believable."

-Thom de Martino, Orange Country Tribune

The Importance of Being Earnest (2015)

"Modyman, Chelsea Caracoza, and Hailey Buck were incredible as Algernon, Gwendoline, and Cecily respectively.   I’m not surprised Modyman took on double duty because Algernon is always a fantastic role. However, in this production, I think he even out shined Lady Bracknell, who is almost always a scene-stealer."

-Daniella Litvak, Orange Curtain Review

Space Trek (2011)

"Modyman's Duke Moonwalker, lately off a farm, an ant farm (and he has an aunt on this ant farm -- go figure) is nicely cast as everything that Parks's Smirk isn't: young, handsome, and beaming. It's little wonder that he catches the eye, not to mention everything else, of Hallo's Princess Hey Ya."

-James Scarborough, Huffington Post

Back From the Future (2011)

"The acting is great, in no small part because the performers clearly enjoy themselves as we do. In his Einstein wig, Jones’s Doc Clown, shows how physics can be fun. Modyman’s Greg is nebbish but, especially in the romantic scenes, adorably so."

-James Scarborough, Huffington Post

Alice in Wonderland (2011)

"Sharing the space with Rocz's gleefully inane Tweedle Dum is Eric Modyman as Tweedle Dee. The two make a dynamic pair, and Modyman further shines as the very dry Mouse, the amiable Mock Turtle, and a funny Frog Footman. With each change in character the two actors offered distinctly different vocalizations and physical lives that made costumes almost redundant to the embodiment of their roles." 

-Jesse Runde, OC Theatre Reviews


"The actors at Mysterium absolutely revel in the irrationality of Wonderland.  Most of them play multiple roles and they explore each one in wonderful, irrational depth.  Eric Modyman fully immerses himself into each of his roles, especially those of Mock Turtle and Tweedle Dee."

-The Juggler

Hello Dolly (2008)

"There are some exceptional standout performances. Eric Modyman's enthusiastic Barnaby Tucker and Liz Heathcoat's earnest Minnie Fay all but steal every scene their in."

-Whittier Daily News

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